Clinic Operations
including Occupational Health & Safety
Whether you are opening a new practice or streamlining your busy clinic, together we can improve patient care.
Tailored transparent processes enable you to view your project's progress in real-time:
Health Profession Regulatory Bodies & Standards
Occupational Health & Safety Guidance
Quality Improvement Guidance
Additional Facilities Management Guidance
Recruiting, onboarding, and training for an inclusive and culturally safe workplace
Feel confident that your practice aligns with your professional commitments.
On March 1st, 2017, in partnership with the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), the health professions regulators of BC signed the Declaration of Commitment – Cultural Safety and Humility in the Regulation of Health Professionals Serving First Nations and Aboriginal People in British Columbia .
Cultural safety impacts everyone in the healthcare system and should be a key consideration in human resources standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Cultural safety is an outcome based on respectful engagement that recognizes and strives to address power imbalances inherent in the healthcare system. It results in an environment free of racism and discrimination, where people feel safe when receiving health care.
Cultural humility is a process of self-reflection to understand personal and systemic biases, and to develop and maintain respectful processes and relationships based on mutual trust. Cultural humility involves humbly acknowledging oneself as a life-long learner when it comes to understanding another’s experience.

Setting policy and monitoring adherence to occupational health & safety regulations
Regardless of whether your clinic is required to maintain an occupational health and safety (OHS) program or not, establishing a culture of safety enables you to:
control OHS risks and improve performance
create an environment of trust through
transparent communication of OHS goals, objectives, commitments, and policies
delineation of roles, responsibilities, and accountability for tasks, including checking and corrective action
cultivate teamwork

Streamlining clinical documentation and form completion
Efficient paperwork processes significantly contribute to clinic workflow and improved professional quality of life.
Maintaining clinic documentation efficiency requires periodic collaboration with your electronic medical record (EMR) provider as your clinic needs evolve. Familiarity with an EMR's capabilities and limitations is paramount, particularly before committing to a system.
You'll save time through note template generation and automation of other administrative functions. Familiar EMRs include:

Integrating processes for systematic, data-driven quality improvement (QI)
Together, we can:
use change concepts to devise tests of change, then run plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles to monitor improvement
generate practice-relevant queries to produce EMR reports on outcomes of interest, from achievement of specific patient milestones to professional adherence to best practice guidelines. Please see Population Health Promotion for more.

Overseeing additional facilities management operations
Additional services include:
Creating facility operating budgets
Negotiating and collaborating with suppliers and service providers
Procuring and maintaining medical equipment and supplies
Ensuring clinic security, including security of patient information